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Tiverton High School Library: Sustainability Goals

Sustainable Development Goals & Country Research

Sustainable Development Goals - Resources
Global Competence

UN Sustainable Development Goals

(or try


 How countries are doing in meeting the SDGs


SDG Index

Project Zero (Harvard Graduate School of Education) Global Competence


 Asia Society – leader in developing goals and resources in support of Global Competence


Appropriate Technology

Ideas for Projects – Information about Appropriate Technology

--Practical Action- Practical Action uses technology to challenge poverty in developing countries


--MIT D-Lab


--Catapult Design - design firm focused on social good and impact


--100 under $100 – information on the book and related projects (click on Resources tab)



Grolier Online Encyclopedia

Basic country information as well as web links
to more in-depth info.

EBSCO MasterFile Premier
Magazine & Newspaper Database:
Choose full text, edit dates, and check abstracts!


Google Site Search

Site Search--  site:  source   topic


examples--  site:  new york times sustainability goals

                                Site:  new york times nigeria povery levels  (or data or statistics)


Think about your keywords--don't get stuck searching the same keywords if you are not finding anything!

Other good sources: 
                                     usa today 
                            (other news organizations: 
                                                      cbs, abc, msnbc...)
                                     washington post
boston globe









Source Credibility

The CRAAP Test!

  1. Currency: Is the information up-to-date?
  2. Relevance: Is the information relevant and of a level appropriate for your research?
  3. Authority: Where is the information published and who is the author?
  4. Accuracy: Where does the information come from? Is it supported by evidence?
  5. Purpose: Why was this information published? What was the motive?

Finding the author (individual or organizational) on a website--If one isn't obvious, check the About Us section or any Board of Directors, Editors, Staff links. About/About Us will often be at the top of a page, but could also be at the bottom.  Use your eyeballs to find this info!!