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Narragansett Pier School Library: Destiny Catalog/ General Book Information

Search the Library Collection for Books and Other Materials using the NHS Library Catalog (RICAT/Follett)!

NPS Library Catalog

Login to RICAT

Why Should You Log In to RICAT?

Request books from other participating libraries (ILL)


  1. Click on the locations dropdown menu under the search bar and change the search to include all school libraries. 
  2. Then conduct your search. 
  3. Once you find a book, click on the title. 
  4. To request the book, click on the "Hold It" icon. 
  5. Once the book is approved, it will be sent to NPS, and you will be called down to the library to pick it up.


How Do You Log In to RICAT:

Locate the login icon within the Narragansett High School RICAT site in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

  1. Username is is your NPS email user name
  2. Click here for the password information. 


Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan FAQ's

  • Who can use ILL?
    • Any student, faculty or staff member of Narragansett High School
  • How long does ILL take?
    • Books generally arrive between one and three weeks.
  • How much does ILL cost?
    • This service is free to all RILINK members.
  • How do I make a request?
    • If you would like to request and borrow a book from a participating RILINK library, log into RICAT, conduct your search and then click the "Hold It" button.  This will prompt the request.  See specific directions on how to log in above. If you need further help, see the librarian or library assistant.
  • How will I know when the book has arrived at the school?
    • You will be called down to the library when the book has come in.
  • How long can I keep the book?
    • You have three weeks to use the book.  If you need more time, contact the librarian or library assistant for help.

Outside Users

  • From which NPS collections may I borrow?
    • For students, faculty and staff borrowing from Narragansett Pier School's library, you may borrow from any collection except the Reference collection.  


Access NHS Library Catalog Home Page

Search Hints

What is a title search?

A title search searches for the exact title of the material trying to locate. (ex: A Tale of Two Cities)

What is an author search?

An author search will search for any items that contain the author's name. (ex: Charles Dickens)

What is a subject search?

A subject search will search all subject headings attached to the items in the catalog and match them to the search term entered. (ex: History--1940's)

What is a keyword search?

A keyword search will seach the items in the catalog and produce search results that contain the keywords entered in the search bar. Keyword searches may contain the words "and," "or," "and not" to help focus your search. (ex: self-image and media, ex: video games or gaming, ex: vegetarianism and not veganism)

What is a series search?

A series search will search for a specific series title and will produce a list of all the books within that series. (ex: Opposing viewpoints)

Ocean State Libraries eBooks

Ocean State Libraries

Two ways to request materials from Ocean State Libraries


  1. Print out a copy of the book's information, and bring it to Mrs. Gongoleski or Mrs. Gunning, and they will request the book for you.  **This is a slow process, and it may take your book 1-2 weeks to arrive.
  2. OR...Log in to the Ocean State Library website using your public library card number.  Find the book in your search results, and then click on the "Request It" icon located underneath the book's title.  Finally, select the public library location where you would like to pick up the book.  **This process is usually quicker, but you will need to get yourself to the public library to pick up the materials when they arrive.