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George J. Peters School Library: A River Ran Wild Project

Encyclopedias, Databases, Atlases, Almanacs, and more!

The Project


Mrs. Steward and Mrs. McKenzie made this Libguide Page as a place to help you start your River Ran Wild Project. On it you will find links to all the available worksheets so you can just open them up and print out what you need. You will also find links to useful websites, a preview of the movie about Marion Stoddart's mission to save the Nashua River and other useful information.

When you have a minute please answer the student feedback survey in the box at the bottom of the this page.

The Worksheets

Here are the worksheets. You can open them up and print anything you need.

Books From the Library

These books will be available in Mrs. McKenzie's classroom. In addition Make a Splash is also available on the FolletShelf. We own only one print copy and one electronic copy. If you use the ebook, do not check it out. Read it online so that everyone can have access to it at the same time.

All book summaries courtesy of Follett Library Resources.

Where are Groton, Massachusetts and the Nashua River?

Information for Instructors

Open the pdf to view all the standards addressed in this lesson.

Documentary Movie

Watch this 10 minute video. It is about the 30 minute documentary Marion Stoddart: The Work of 1000.  When you are done watching the movie please answer the questions in the box below.

Helpful Websites

   You might find useful information at the following websites: