Content Literacy is a semester-based course provided to 7th and 8th grade students.
Literacy skills will include, but are not limited to, vocabulary, comprehension and writing to build background knowledge on a topic through listening, speaking, reading and writing.
-- Content Literacy Curriculum Committee
The purpose of this page is to put all the semester resources into one place. Please use these resources and others given to you by your instructor to complete your work. Do not surf the web for resources of your own while completing assignments for this course.
The Owl at Purdue University is considered THE authority on MLA citations. If you are not sure how to cite your sources, or for other questions about MLA format including in-text citations visit the OWL for further help.
Visit the Citation Station page for more information about citing your sources
Mars Perseverance Rover Images
The Mars Society Colony Design Contest Winners
Other Resources
NewScientist - How to Build a Mars Colony That Lasts - Forever
CNN - Meet the Man Working with NASA to 3D Print a Colony on Mars
BBC - Five Steps to Colonising Mars
Video Resources
All images courtesy of NASA.