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How to Cite Sources in MLA Format

Why Cite Sources?

First, what does it mean when we say "cite your source"?  It means to list the sources (books, websites, databases, etc) you used to complete a project, or answer a research question. The list is called a Works Cited or a Bibliography

There are three main reasons you MUST cite your sources:

1. To give credit to the author of the information you are using for your research. 

2. By giving credit to the author you can avoid plagiarism. 

3. It allows people to locate the sources you used so they are able to get more information and/or are able to to make sure you used credible sources. 

How to Cite Sources

Now that you know why researchers must cite sources, it's time to learn how.  The examples below will guide you through the process of citing sources that are used most frequently.  At Lincoln Middle School we use the MLA (Modern Language Association) format. 

Citing World Book Student

World Book Student

(Online subscription database)

To cite an article from World Book Student:

Click on the Settings/Tool gear in the upper right-hand side of the page.  It looks like this setting-icon.

Click on Citation.

Highlight, then copy the MLA citation (Don't include the letters MLA).  

Paste the citation on a document. 


Citing an article from Culture Grams

Citing Culture Grams

(Online subscription database)

To cite an article from Culture Grams:

Go to the bottom of the article. You'll see the words "Generate Citation".  

Click on MLA 9. The citation will appear.

Click "Copy Citation".

Paste the citation into a document.


How to Cite Gale in Context

Gale in Context 

(Online subscription database)

To cite an article from Gale in Context:

Click on the icon in the upper right-hand side of the page. It looks like this .

Click Select (this will highlight the citation), the copy it.

Paste the citation into a document.



Citing a Website

Citing a Website 

To cite a website follow this format:


"Title of the webpage or article in quotation marks."  Title of the Website in italics, Publisher, URL. Date accessed.





Citing a Book

Citing a Book

If you use a print book to get information for your project, follow the MLA format below to cite it. Type the citation directly onto a document. Make sure you use the punctuation marks as indicated below. Also, double-check spelling and capitalization.


Author's Last name, First name. Title of book in italics. City where the book was published, The name of the publisher, Year of publication. 


Lassieur, Allison. Albert Einstein: Genius of the Twentieth Century. New York: Franklin                     Watts, 2005.


Citing an Encyclopedia Article

Citing an Encyclopedia

If you use a print encyclopedia to get information for your project, follow the MLA format below to cite it. Type the citation directly onto your online graphic organizer. Make sure you use the punctuation marks as indicated below. Also, double-check spelling and capitalization.


Author's (or editor if no author) Last name, First name. “Article Title.”  Title of Encyclopedia in italics. Year of publication (copyright date). 


Littleton, C. Scott, editor. “Alfar.” Gods, Goddesses, and Mythology. 2005.