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Cranston High School East Library: LaPlant - Elements

Assignment Information

Quarter 1- Chemistry project                                                                                           

Due date 10/24/2016



  Describe all the physical and chemical properties of an element/atom

  Demonstrate 21st century skills by creating a power point

Assignment Details

      Students will be given 4 class periods to do research in the library on the element they have been assigned. Each student will be researching their element independently and are responsible for their own work. The students will be compiling research on their element throughout the library opportunities and will submit their Google Slides presentation through Google Docs . In addition to their Google Slides presentation , the students will build and design a model of their element using non-edible materials ( some candy is allowed if it doesn’t break down easily).

Library days are 9/26 with Mrs. Blais and 10/6,10/11 and 10/21 in room 245


Research Objectives;

  • Origin of element and who discovered it
  • Meaning of name and symbol for that element
  • Structure of element
  • 15-20 physical properties
  • 5 chemical properties
  • What type of bonds does your element make?
  • Does your element provide benefits?
  • Does your element pose any dangers?


Grading Criteria;

Students will be graded with 2 rubrics

  1. Presentation rubric with NGSS standard for content

  2. Model rubric with NGSS standard for content


Student Success Criteria:

  • SWBAT describe the structure of their element , identifying all sub-particles and their quantities

  • SWBAT describe all physical properties that identify their element

  • SWBAT explain how that element interacts with other elements to form bonds and other substances

  • SWBAT present their research through a power point demonstrating their 21st century skills

  • SWBAT design and build a model that shows their understanding of the atomic structure of that element

Chemical Elements e-Books

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