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Hugh B. Bain Middle School Library : Citation Station

Always Cite Your Sources

It is important to always cite your sources.  Citation helps you avoid plagiarism, and allows the reader to find your research sources.  Citing your sources also helps to make your writing more believable, and gives evidence to your arguments.  These websites will help make it easy for you to cite your sources properly.  

Purdue OWL MLA Citation Guide

The Purdue Owl guide to MLA is the authority on citation.  This guide contains easy-to-understand directions on formatting citations, in-text (parethetical) citations, and works cited pages in MLA format.

The Citation

Hanging Indents

Mrs. Scripsack's Class Activity

AASL Standard 3.1.6- Use information and technology ethically and responsibly.

Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources......providing basic bibliographic information for sources.



Free Online Citation Creators

Use the free online citation creators below to generate and save citations for all types of sources. 

OSLIS Citation Maker- Best Choice!!!!

MLA logo


You may also use the Google Citation Tool to cite your sources:

  1. Open a Google Doc

  2. Click Tools

  3. Click Citations

  4. Click “Add citation source”

  5. Change the source type to website or other source you used (book, magazine, etc.)

  6. Search for the website address or input the information for your book, magazine, etc. source

  7. Click continue

  8. Click add citation source

  9. When you are finished citing your sources, click “Insert Works Cited.” This will give you a list of your sources on a new page with the heading “Works Cited.” They will also be properly spaced and in alphabetical order. 

Plagiarism Videos

This video explains plagiarism and how to avoid it. 

Plagiarism by Common Craft.


Click on the link below to watch a video created by Caity Selleck for Imagine Easy Solutions, Inc.

Citing Sources with Google

  1.  Open a Google Doc

  2.  Tools

  3.  Citations

  4.  Add Citation source

  5.  Change source type to website or whichever type of source you used

  6.  Search for URL or whatever information that is asked for

  7.  Continue

  8. Add citation source

  9. Place cursor where you want the citation to appear in your works cited page

  10. Click Insert Works Cited

Online Grammar & Plagiarism Checker

Use Grammarly to check your writing for proper grammar and plagiarism.