Station One - Never Share Personal Information Online
Station Two- I took a photo of my friend poster
Station Three - Never Post What You Wouldn't Say in Person - Report Cyberbullying
Station Four - What You Post Online is Permanent
Station Five- Combating Social Media Addiction
Common Core: SL.9-10.1, SL.9-10.5
AASL: 1.1.5, 1.1.7, 1.4.1
ISTE: Digital Citizen 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d
The Cross Curricular Proficiencies aligned to this activity include:
Special thanks for granting permission to borrow and adapt her Digital Citizenship Bulletin Board go to Denise Borck, Library Media Specialist at William James Middle School in Statesboro, Georgia, and Carolyn Steward, Library Media Specialist at Hope Highlands Middle School in Cranston, Rhode Island.
Thanks for the use of other media go to Child Internet Safety, Common Sense Media, CyberWise by Cyber Civics, BrainPop and Toronto Catholic District School Board.