How do I find new information?
How do I become a Critical Thinker?
How do I gain knowledge?
How do I understand and use knowledge?
How do I make smart decisions?
How do I make new ideas?
How do I share my knowledge?
How do I participate appropriately?
How do I contribute to my community?
How do I motivate myself to learn?
How do I appreciate learning?
How do I progress in learning?
"21st Century Skills are the skills students need in order to succeed in the information age."
These library lesson activities will help you understand how to be a 21st Century Learner.
Brainstorm verbs that describe HOW you think.
Using those words create a WORDLE of your verbs.
Wordle Tips:
1. Type a ~ with no spaces between words to keep them together
Example: Mrs.~Basso
2. The more often you type a word, the larger the word will be in the wordle
3. Print a white background only to save ink.
4. Color doesn't matter at school because we don't have a color printer.