Many eBooks and Audiobooks are available for you to preview, read online, and checkout through the Sora app in Clever.
Just use the search box or simply scroll down to each category.
“IN-SIGHT Radio is a unique radio reading service that provides the daily reading of local and national newspapers, magazines, books, and other printed materials of interest to our listeners. We currently broadcast twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week.
We broadcast the reading of the Providence Journal, a dozen other local newspapers as well as magazines and books.
IN-SIGHT Radio broadcasts on a closed signal. In order to access the service click “LISTEN” and this will open our media player. For those without internet access, you can also request a free radio receiver from IN-SIGHT.”
Link to program schedule by day
OverDrive provides eBooks and Audiobooks through a subscription paid for by libraries.
You can use OverDrive on many devices, including BWRSD Chromebooks, home laptops, tablets, iPads, and your phone.
To access OverDrive you need a Rhode Island public library card. Public library cards are free and can be applied for online. The middle school age range overlaps both Kids and Teens.
OverDrive Websites:
Because both websites have a lot of images, it may take 10 to 25 seconds for each website to fully display the book covers.
Apply for a Library Card Online - And You Can Have the Card Be Mailed To You!
Borrow a Device - Kindle, nook, iPad, or Zen Pad 8.0 at Rogers Free Library
Borrow eBook Step-by Step Directions for a Mobile Device (SmartPhone or Tablet)
Borrow eBook Step-by Step Directions for a Laptop/Desktop
Tech Help at Rogers Free Library - Drop In Hours and By Appointment
Many thanks to Rogers Free Library Outreach Librarian Nancy Kellner for providing this information and to the additional staff members who provide these services.
250+ ebooks for a variety of age levels.
World Book Online and the statewide Reference Resource Center are services of the Providence Public Library. Funding for these services is provided by the State of Rhode Island and the Institute of Museum and Library Services (LSTA) through the Office of Library and Information Services.