Biography Reference Center
Provides superior coverage for several of the most popular and heavily researched biographies and genres.
Explora for Secondary Schools
Features relevant and reliable content and easy-to-use functionality to help students successfully complete their research.
History Reference Center
Covers topics in U.S. and world history from the earliest civilizations through the 21st century.
Points of View Reference Center
Contains resources that present multiple sides of an issue and rich content that can help students assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays.
Thank you to Mrs. Hunike at Barrington High School Library for making this box.
For science content, diagrams, activities, investigations, tests, worksheets/coloring pages
Literary Reference Center
A rich full-text literary database covering all genres and time periods.
Thank you to Mrs. Hunike at Barrington High School Library for making this box.
Click on either map image below, to find photos, recipes, statistics, in addition to what you'd expect to find in a database. Automatically logs in when you are at school. Once you're logged in, you can also search the States Edition to U.S. information.
If you need access at home, ask for username and password by emailing Teacher-Librarian Ms. Galipeau (