Skip to Main Content ">Period 7 B Day 10:25am - 12:20pm
Period 7 D Day 12:25pm - 1:55pm
Students are welcome to visit /use the library before first period class, during Period 7 (with a pass from their teacher). Students should always sign in and leave their passes at the circulation desk. Students are alwys welcome with a teacher.
Students should conduct themselves in an appropriate manner, and should be careful not to distract other students who may be working in the library.
Media Center Calendar - to check availability
Alcove Calendar - to check for availability
Oaker Room Calendar - to check for availability
Room 119 Conference Room - to check availability
Restricted /Reserved Library Use Only: Some library materials are reserved for library use only and do not circulate. Included are some books, pictures, maps, etc. which may be placed on your reserve by your teachers for your use.