Destiny Discover: Search the WWHS library catalog | Sora: Search the library's ebook collection (Select WW in the drop down bar or log in through Clever) |
Click here to learn how to borrow and read magazines in Sora
Click here to learn about WWHS Summer Reading or click on the Summer Reading Tab at the top of this page.
There is NO password needed. Click the link below:
TeenBookCloud is an online database of eBooks and educator resources, with over 1,000 titles in a variety of formats including Graphic Novels, Enhanced Novels, eBooks, classic literature, National Geographic videos, educator resources, and audiobooks.
There is NO password needed.
All titles are multi-user, meaning anyone can access the items at any time.
Student username: wwpsID# (no spaces)
Student password: wwps
Faculty username: WWAstateID#( no spaces)
Faculty password: WWAstateID#
Please follow these steps to log in to the WWHS Library Catalog and place a book on hold:
To view your library record (items out, fines, hold requests, etc.), click on the "My Info." tab.