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Winman Library: History Day

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The 2024-2025 Theme is “Rights & Responsibilities in History”  

CLICK HERE to access National History Day's website.  

National History Day will use its current rule book which you can view as a PDF by visiting this page.

World Book Online Encyclopedia for background information and topic ideas:  World Book Advanced Link

  • History Reference Center, Student Research Center and EBSCO database of magazine and journal articles

Also Useful:   Encyclopedia Britannica (your first article is free)

HOW to Use the EBSCO Database:

  • Must access from
  • Keywords / search terms
  • Choose "All Databases" OR read list and check best databases
  • Refine your results for publication dates – "Update"
  • Full text (if not available, contact librarian)
  • Advanced search to narrow types of results
  • use "quotes" as necessary
  • Scroll through results – type of publication (don’t want "Review"); read short summary
  • Things you can do: email, save to flash, save to folder (create profile), cite in MLA


Tips for NHD Research

1) Create a list of search terms

Brainstorm and add to the list as you continue your research and come across related terms.

2) Set up a graphic organizer or note-taking system  

There are many ways to take notes, but you should include the following key points on source that you use:

– Citation, including author, title, publisher, date of publication, date of access

– Notes (Use key words and phrases; avoid using whole sentences unless you plan to use an in-text citation)

-Whether you're looking at a primary or secondary source.

Here's a possible note taking template to use at this first stage of your research process:  Step One Note Taking Template

3) Keep track of resources as you use them!!

Here's a note taking template you can use once you have your thesis statement:  Note taking Template #2

Annotated Bibliography

All things Annotated Bibliography

1.  From National History Day's website

National History Day's Information Page on Annotated Bibliography

2.  Purdue University has helpful resources:

Purdue University's Online Writing Lab

OWL at Purdue: Sample Annotations

3.  There are many citation generators, including one under Tools in Google Docs as well as Easy Bib:

Citation Generator:  MyBib