According to Berkeley Library, "Fake news websites (also referred to as hoax news) deliberately publish hoaxes, propaganda, and disinformation, using social media to drive web traffic and amplify their effect. Unlike news satire, fake news websites seek to mislead, rather than entertain, readers for financial or other gain."
According to the American Psychological Association, “Misinformation is false or inaccurate information—getting the facts wrong. Disinformation is false information which is deliberately intended to mislead—intentionally making the misstating facts.”
Benedictine Library offers these key ideas:
You deserve the truth. You are smart enough to make up your own mind - as long as you have the real facts in front of you.
Fake news destroys your credibility. If your arguments are built on bad information, it will be much more difficult for people to believe you in the future.
Fake news can hurt you, and other people. Fake and misleading information or advice help perpetuate lies. If decisions are based on lies, they can hurt you and others. Can you think of examples?
Real news can benefit you. If you want to buy stock in a company, you want to read accurate articles about that company so you can invest wisely. If you are planning on voting in an election, you want to read as much good information on a candidate so you can vote for the person who best represents your ideas and beliefs.
A product of the Annenberg Public Policy Center, this site is terrific for checking up on political claims.
The Pulitzer Prize-winning Politifact researches the claims of politicians and checks their accuracy.
One of the oldest debunking sites on the Internet, focuses on urban legends, news stories and memes. the also cite their sources at the end of each debunking.
While focused primarily on political facts, it covers specific claims in-depth and with plenty of cross-referencing.
Double check image sources and see where they came from.
How do you know it's Clickbait? Here are some clues to look out for:
Work on learning how not only to spot clickbait but to resist clicking on it.
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