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Western Hills Middle School Library: Home

Western Hills Library Home Page

Welcome to the Western Hills Library Home Page.  There are resources below and information about our Library.

Library Service Policy

                                                                                                       line of books                                                                              Library hours are Monday-Friday from 7:50-2:40.

Students may visit the library with their classes or with a pass from their teacher.  When arriving to the library with passes, students must sign in at the counter.  When leaving the library, students should sign out and have their passes signed by Mrs. Flynn.

Students may use the library to:

1. Check out a book.  Books may be borrowed for 3 weeks.  The due date is stamped in the back of the book.  Students who return books late will be charged overdue fines.  If a book is lost or damaged, see Mrs. Flynn about replacement costs.

2.  Borrow books through inter-library loan.  See the Interlibrary Loan Policy below for more information.

3.  Use a computer to complete school assignments.

When visiting the library, students must act appropriately and remain on task, so as not to disturb others who are trying to work. 


Interlibrary Loan

book pile

Our school library is a member of RILINK (Rhode Island Library Information Network for Kids).  This membership entitles our students to borrow books from many school libraries throughout the state.  

Books borrowed through ILL are delivered to our school free of charge.  

Most libraries will allow our students to borrow the ILL book for three weeks.

Students may request one item at a time through ILL.  Upon its return, another ILL item may be requested.

If materials are lost or damaged, students may be charged a fee for replacement cost of the materials.

See Mrs. Flynn for any assistance.

As a member of the RILINK consortium, we follow the consortium-level Interlibrary Loan Policy that is posted on the RILINK website here:  RILINK Inter-Library Loan Policy

Cranston Public Library is now FINE FREE for Children and Teens!

The Cranston Public Library is now Fine Free for children's and teens materials!  No fines will be charged for late or overdue childrens and teen materials from Cranston Libraries.  If materials belonging to other libraries in the state are late, there may be fines, but please talk with a librarian!  They will work with you to see what they can do! 

Click here to learn more about Fine Free and Worry Free

Click here for the CPL Online Library Card Application.  Or click here for a downloadable form.  (Also available in Spanish and Portuguese.)


Citing Sources with Google

  1.  Open a Google Doc

  2.  Tools

  3.  Citations

  4.  Add Citation source

  5.  Change source type to website or whichever type of source you used

  6.  Search for URL or whatever information that is asked for

  7.  Continue

  8. Add citation source

  9. Continue to cite all sources using the steps 1-8.  Citations will all stack up on the right hand side of the document.

  10. When all sources have been cited, place cursor where you want the citation to appear in your works cited page

  11. Click Insert Works Cited

Recognizing Fake News

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Deanna Flynn