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Glen Hills Elementary School Library: RICAS

RICAS Quick Links

RICAS - Mathematics Released Items
RICAS Assessments - Beginning Spring 2018 new standardized tests in English Language Arts, and Math.
RICAS - ELA Released Items
RICAS - ELA Rubrics

Please click on the above link to see the list of skills required for the RICAS assessment and make sure you are prepared!

This page was created by Mrs. Rose from Chester Barrows Elementary School and Mrs. Stewart from Gladstone Elementary School.

Split Screen

Split Screen

A split screen allows you to look at two windows at the same time.  



Directions:  You are going to open a Word document and create a split screen so that you can see this page and the Word document at the same time.  Follow the directions on this page to complete your Word document.

Did you know you can split your screens with one screen on top of the other,or side by side?

  • Use the "restore down" button (next to the x) in the upper right hand corner  
  • Use your mouse and drag the corners of the screen so it takes up half of your screen
  • Do this for both the LibGuide and the Word document.


Once you open your Word Document:

   1.  Type your name.

   2.  Change the color of your name to any color you like.

   3.  Center your name in the middle of the screen by using the center button.

   4.  Press enter two times (you should be 2 lines underneath your name)

   5.  Type the name of  your favorite animal.

   6.  Make the name of your favorite animal size 72.

   7.  Press enter two times.

   8.  Type the name of your favorite color.

   9.  Make the name of your favorite color the color it should be (ex. if your favorite color is blue, make it blue)

 10.  Open a new tab on the Internet.  Go to Do an Image search for your favorite animal by typing the animal name in the search box and clicking on the Google Image icon. Drag a picture of your favorite animal into your document where the name of your favorite animal used to be.  (A picture will not appear, but the website address will appear)



Typing efficiently can make a big difference on the PARCC test. 

Directions:  Click on the links to play games below to practice typing.

Did you know you can become a much faster typer if you use the home row keys?

  • Put your right index finger on the J.
  • Line up the rest of the fingers on your right hand next to your right index finger
  • Put your left index finger on the F.
  • Line up the rest of the fingers on your left hand next to your left index finger




Resources to Support RICAS Prep

Interactive Sites - for English Language Arts. Prep your students' tech skills and ELA skills at the same time.
Lumos Learning - math practice by grade level.
Grade level skill builders at i4c.
Read Write Think - "​Engage your students in online literacy learning with these interactive tools that help them accomplish a variety of goals—from organizing their thoughts to learning about language—all while having fun."
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives - Arranged by Grade level and math skill. Prep tech skills and Math skills at the same time.
Compare video and text on a subject using the sites listed below.  Great preparation for RICAS.
School Tube
Another source for school videos.

Read interesting nonfiction about all different science topics at Wonderopolis.  Enjoy the changing "Wonder of the Day" and watch short videos that answer your questionsl Good example of nonfiction text plus a video is found on "What was Before Dinosaurs?"

This website allows you to search for names of famous people, from the past or the present.  Read about the person and watch a video whenever available.  For an example: see Bobby Darin.

World Book sources available through AskRI Encylopedias for all ages.  Try World Book Student, look up a topic like elephants, for example.  You will see articles to read about elephants, as well as five short videos to watch.  Synthesize your information, pulling from both sources.

WatchKnowLearn a source for videos on educational topics. Pair with nonfiction text that you research on other sites like Explora so students can compare text and video sources.
Many thanks to Mrs. Steward of Gladstone, Ms. Tanner of Edgewood/Eden Park and Mrs. Mills of Park View for developing the information on this page. Also special thanks to Mrs. Castro of Wyman and Holden Elementary Schools in Warwick for some of this information.

Copy & Paste

Copy and Paste

Copying and pasting is when you highlight a word, sentence, paragraph or picture from one place,copy it, and then paste it somewhere else.


Directions:  For this activity, you will be using Worldbook Online. Download the Word document below, open it up and perform the instructions for each question.  Use the World Book Online link in this box to search, then copy and paste your answers right onto the worksheet.


Did you know that there are two ways to copy and paste?

  • Highlight the text you want to copy with your mouse
  • Go to Edit menu at the top of your computer screen, click on Edit, select Copy
  • Using your mouse, click on the document where you want to copy the text to...
  • Go to Edit menu, click on Edit, select Paste


  • Highlight the text you want to copy with your mouse
  • Using the keyboard and hold down the "Command" key then click "C"
  • Click cursor where you want to copy the text to
  • Using the keyboard hold down the "Command" key then click "V"



Drag & Drop

Drag and Drop

Drag and Drop means you take an object from one place and drag it to another place.  

Directions:  Click on the links to play some of the games below to practice dragging and dropping.


Did you know most online games use the drag and drop skill?

  • Click on the object you want to drag and drop
  • While holding the mouse button down, drag the object to where you want it
  • Release the mouse button when the object is where you want it to be

Using the Keyboard


Most functions on the computer can be completed by just using your keyboard.

Highlighting Text


Highlighting Text


Press the Ctrl key while holding down Shift and the arrow it will highlight one word at a time. You can also hold down the left mouse button while dragging it across the sentence on the screen.

To highlight text with your keyboard move the cursor to the beginning of the text using your arrow keys, hold down the shift key, and while still holding down shift press the arrow key in the direction you want to highlight; when done, let go of the shift key. If you want to highlight all text press the shortcut key Ctrl + A.

Practice highlighting the following text:

Practice highlighting this text using the above steps. Click the mouse cursor at the start of the text, hold down shift, and use your arrow keys.



Thanks to Mrs. Mills of Park View Middle School for the use of this box and its information.