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Edgewood Highland School Library: Google


  • What is G.A.F.E?
    • Google Apps for Education
  • Who has access to GAFE?
    • All teachers and students
  • What does it include?
    • Docs (like Microsoft Word)
    • Sheets (like Microsoft Excel)
    • Slides (like PowerPoint)
    • Drawing (like Paint)

How to Log In

To log into your Google Drive, use any browser and...

1.  Go to

2.  Click on the blue box that says "Go to Google Drive"

3.  Enter your e-mail address

4.  Click "Next"

5.  Enter your password and click "Sign-In"



  • There is a difference between logging into your Google Drive and logging into Google Chrome.  
    • Logging into Google Drive gives you access to Google Apps, your e-mail, calendar, etc.  
    • Logging into Google Chrome saves your bookmarks, extensions, and apps from computer to computer
  • Always "Log Out" before leaving your computer.  Do not just "X" out.


If you want your students to be forced to make a copy, follow these steps:

In the URL up in the address bar delete the /edit and replace it with /copy.  Then have your students use the new link.  It will force them to create a copy.


This is the original URL:

Change /copy to edit so it looks like this: