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North Smithfield High School Library : Home

North Smithfield High School Library:

*In the event of a virtual snow day, students will see a box below where they can contact the librarian (virtually) between the hours of 9-12:30*

Welcome to the North Smithfield High School Library site!

Student Login Information for Follett Destiny Library Catalog & SORA:

*Username: Student ID #

*Password: First & last initials followed by 6 digit birthdate (2 for month -- 2 for day -- 2 for year)

Library Sign-up for Academic Assistance periods:

  • Space is limited.
  • Make sure you have work to do!

Google Scholar:

"Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature."

MLA formatting and examples:

World History in Context Database:

This resource will help students gain a more complete understanding of the people and cultures that formed our collective history.

The NS High School Password for this database is ns30344

Bloom's Literature Database:

Bloom's Literary Reference Online features hundreds of essays examining the lives and works of great writers throughout history and the world.

username: nshs

password: northmen


The New York Times:

The New York Times is accessible on school grounds only. See Mrs. Camara if you would like something printed from the site!

Issues & Controversies in American History Database:

This database delivers dynamic, concise, and balanced coverage that provides the background, outcome, and contemporary points of view for every major debate and conflict in American history.

username: nshs

 password: northmen

Today's Science Database:

Today’s Science features thousands of original articles—using easy-to-understand, engaging language—by scientists and science journalists, based on the most current peer-reviewed journal articles. 

username: nshs

 password: northmen


Read and research with access to full-text magazines in Flipster

Free resources provided to Rhode Island residents including EBSCO, which contains quality information on a wide variety of topics.

Rhode Island Public Library catalog:

Search the Rhode Island Public Libraries Catalog Here!

We get book deliveries twice a week from other libraries - see Mrs. Camara if there is a title you are interested in!


Profile Photo
Jessica Camara
North Smithfield High School Library
412 Greenville Rd.
North Smithfield, RI 02896