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North Smithfield High School Library : 1960s/1970s/1980s:


CNN Original Series: "The Sixties" explores the landmark era of cultural, political, and technological change during the 1960s, infusing new relevance to the cultural touchstones that changed the world.

Library of Congress:

"The activists interviewed for this project belong to a wide range of occupations, including lawyers, judges, doctors, farmers, journalists, professors, and musicians, among others. The video recordings of their recollections cover a wide variety of topics within the civil rights movement, such as the influence of the labor movement, nonviolence and self-defense, religious faith, music, and the experiences of young activists.This site also includes a section of essays and articles related to civil rights topics."

The Miller Center:

"A nonpartisan affiliate of the University of Virginia that specializes in presidential scholarship, public policy, and political history."


MLA formatting and examples:


Examining the decade through its politics, culture and historic events.

Digital Public Library of America:

Defining Documents in American History: The 1960s (eBook):

Password: northmen

World History in Context Database:

This resource will help students gain a more complete understanding of the people and cultures that formed our collective history.

The NS High School Password for this database is ns30344


The CNN Original Series "The Eighties" explores this totally rad decade and its cultural, political, and technological impact on today.

Issues & Controversies in American History Database:

This database delivers dynamic, concise, and balanced coverage that provides the background, outcome, and contemporary points of view for every major debate and conflict in American history.

username: nshs

 password: northmen

General Information:

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