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North Smithfield High School Library : The 1920's:

The 1920's:

America in Class from the National Humanities Center:

Becoming Modern: America in the 1920's:

Presents a range of information pertaining to the 1920's, with a specific focus on:

Chronicling America:

Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers | The National Endowment  for the Humanities

Chronicling America:

Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1789-1963.

** Provides MLA Citations!!**

World History in Context:

The NS High School Password for this database is ns30344

**Provides MLA Citations!**

More great sources:

Photos show how different traveling was 100 years ago - Insider

Film in the 1920's:

Harlem Renaissance

Organized Crime:


Social Change:




Ku Klux Klan (KKK):


General Information:

Home - Searching in EBSCO - LibGuides at University of Oklahoma Health  Sciences Center

Search EBSCO for great articles - along with their citations!

** Provides MLA Citations!!**

How NPR Increased Podcasting Ad Sales by 10 Times in 2 Years

Find articles on a variety of topics related to the 1920s!

Ohio State University:


Clash of Cultures in the 1910s and 1920s:

A mix of resources focused on:

  • Anti-Immigration & the KKK
  • The New Woman
  • Prohibition
  • The Scopes Trial

Issues & Controversies in American History:

Explore both sides of important issues related to the 1920's

Username: nshs

Password: northmen

** Provides MLA Citations!!**

Digital Public Library of America:

The Digital Public Library of America:

"Discover 29,474,312 images, texts, videos, and sounds from across the United States"

MLA formatting and examples: