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North Smithfield High School Library : Teacher Resources:

Teacher Resources:


*Remember* The NSHS Library gets deliveries of materials from other school, public and university libraries around the state each Thursday! Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need:

  • Materials for research/curriculum support
  • Materials for personal interests
  • Classroom sets
  • Media (DVDs/audiobooks, etc.)
  • Materials for ESL students
  • Anything else you can think of!

American School Health Association:

"Just about every week, ASHA is alerted to new research and tools that can support the work of PreK-12 practitioners, and those involved in health education and health services programs."

General Resources:

  • New York Times - The Learning Network: Offers a wealth of participatory and real world learning experiences for both teachers and students using The New York Times. Students have access to an article of the day, a news quiz, and a student opinion section. Teachers can access lesson plans in core subject areas such as English, Science, Math, Social Studies, Art, and ELL. There are also lessons on topics that build technology skills, such as podcasting. New content is added weekly.
  • Education Resources: This American Life - A weekly public radio program and podcast. Each week we choose a theme and put together different kinds of stories on that theme. 

Facing History and Ourselves:

Great information/resources for teaching the following topics (and much more!):

  • Democracy & Civic Engagement
  • Race in U.S. History
  • Justice & Human Rights
  • Antisemitism & Religious Intolerance
  • Bullying & Ostracism
  • Global Immigration
  • Genocide & Mass Violence
  • Holocaust

Sign up for a free account and have access to more!

**Professional Development opportunities as well!!!**


Photograph: White residents vote by a show of hands in favor of segregation in Delaware schools in 1954.

The NewseumED educational website contains primary sources, historical videos, and other resources that cover media literacy and civics. The site has curated virtual collections and artifacts as well as offering units, lesson plans, and activities. Signing up for a free account provides access to all of their educational resources. Use these materials to teach media literacy, propaganda, debate, fake news, and civics among many other topics.

Author Introduction videos:

Check out these brief videos that will provide the perfect author introductions to your students!

Teach Rock:

"TeachRock is a standards-aligned, arts integration curriculum that uses the history of popular music and culture to help teachers engage students."