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East Greenwich School District Summer Work: Rainbow Book Awards

Work students from Cole Middle School and East Greenwich High School are expected to complete over the summer, prior to school opening.

Rainbow Book List

The Rainbow Book List is created by the Rainbow Book List Committee of the Rainbow Round Table of the American Library Association. Originally a joint project between the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Roundtable and the Social Responsibilities Round Table, the Rainbow Book List presents an annual bibliography of quality books with significant and authentic GLBTQ content, which are recommended for people from birth through eighteen years of age.  Starting in the 2021 year, the committee created a recommended list that encompasses over 600 titles but highlighted the top 10 for teen readers (included below).

2024 Young Adult Rainbow Book List

Not yet posted.

2020 Rainbow Book Award Books

2023 Young Adult Rainbow Book List

2019 Rainbow Book Award Books

2022 Young Adult Rainbow Book List

2018 Rainbow Book Award Books

2021 Rainbow Book Award Books