Thank you to Mrs. Flynn at Western Hills and Ms. Grabbert at Bain for their help in creating this LibGuide.
Using the Google Citation Tool
Open a Google Doc
Click Tools
Click Citations
Click “Add citation source”
Change the source type to website or other source you used (book, magazine, etc.)
Search for the website address or input the information for your book, magazine, etc. source
Click continue
Click add citation source
When you are finished citing your sources, click “Insert Works Cited.” This will give you a list of your sources on a new page with the heading “Works Cited.” They will also be properly spaced and in alphabetical order.
CCSS Addressed:
ELA-Literacy.RH.6-8.1 Key Ideas and Details: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.
ELA-Literacy.RH.6-8.2.4 Craft and Structure: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies.
RI School Library Standards: Interest and Prior Knowledge: Finds areas of passion or interest within topics of study.
Topics: Finds areas of passion or interest within topics of study.
Process of Inquiry: Develops a plan for following an inquiry process to ask questions and find evidence to answer questions about a research topic.