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East Greenwich High School Library: Investigating Injustice

Library services and resources provided to the East Greenwich High School community

Investigating Injustice Research Resources


  • The influence of racial bias on the American jury system
  • The criminalization of poverty in America
  • The influence of poverty on education
  • The occurrence and impact of food deserts
  • The social and legal consequences of #LivingWhileBlack
  • The psychology of mob mentality (connected to lynching)
  • The influence of sexism on women, from adolescence to adulthood
  • The occurrence of voter suppression in America

Provided Sources:

  • For each research topic, there are at least 3 provided sources: 2 web articles and 1 database text.
  • Use these sources to create your notecards.

Note Card Requirements:

  • One citation card per source
  • Five content cards per source

Important Resources

Noodle Tools - Taking Notes and Citation Generator  

Using NoodleTools

After you have finished creating a minimum of 5 notecards per source, it's time to create an outline and put your research notecards in order.

  • Log in to NoodleTools and open your Investigating Injustice project. 
  • Select the Notecards tab. 
  • On the right side of your notecards, you will see the Outline view. 
  • Use the terms in the image on the right to create your outline. -->
  • Replace the words "MY TOPIC" with the specific name of your topic.
  • Once you have created your outline, drag the relevant evidence (your notecards) into each subtopic. 

Confused about creating an Outline using NoodleTools?  Watch the tutorial linked below.

Once your outline has been created and the relevant notecards are moved and in order in NoodleTools, it's time to EXPORT the outline and notecards.

  1. Print the outline as a Google Doc
  2. Select “outline with notecards”
  3. Check off the boxes: Source, Quotation, Paraphrase, My Ideas
  4. Export to Google Docs
  5. A new browser tab will open with your new Google Doc
  6. Submit this Google Doc to Classroom


Printing Works Cited from NoodleTools Step 1

1.  Log in to your NoodleTools account.  Select the Sources tab at the top.

2.  Hover your cursor over the Print/Export button from the Sources toolbar.  Select Print/Export to Google Docs.

Printing Works Cited from NoodleTools Step2

3. NoodleTools will automatically create a new Google Doc that is saved immediately in your Google Drive.  The title of the document will start with "Sources for.. TEACHER NAME and Investigating Research Project."

NoodleTools will automatically format your citations in alphabetical order with a hanging indent.  This document will also have the correct margins (1 inch) so do not change the document settings.