Assignment: Create an infographic about an organization addressing a current social justice issue.
- You will create an infographic that outlines your research, stating the specific problem, possible solutions and resources needed to solve the issue.
- You will utilize database and internet resources to conduct your research, citing each source you have used in correct MLA format.
- You will utilize Canva to create an informative, visually appealing infographic as a way to communicate your research.
- You will upload your infographic to the Padlet linked below to share your research with your peers.
Infographic Requirements:
- Issues / Challenges: What are the issues that your organization addresses?
- Significance: Why do these issues matters?
- General programs: Provide a general overview of programs, initiatives, services, etc.
- Specific program: Explain one program (include at least three specific examples)
- Impact: Provide data on how your program affects people's lives and/or society at large. May include statistics on how progress is measured, membership numbers, laws passed, court cases, etc.
- Cite your research sources in MLA format at the bottom of your infographic. Use NoodleTools to ensure your citations are correct.