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East Greenwich High School Library: Social Issue Infographic

Library services and resources provided to the East Greenwich High School community

Period 3 Shaw Students: Post Your Infographic Here!

Made with Padlet

Social Justice Issue Infographic Assignment

Assignment:  Create an infographic about an organization addressing a current social justice issue.

  • You will create an infographic that outlines your research, stating the specific problem, possible solutions and resources needed to solve the issue. 
  • You will utilize database and internet resources to conduct your research, citing each source you have used in correct MLA format. 
  • You will utilize Canva to create an informative, visually appealing infographic as a way to communicate your research. 
  • You will upload your infographic to the Padlet linked below to share your research with your peers. 

Infographic Requirements:

  1. Issues / Challenges:  What are the issues that your organization addresses?
  2. Significance: Why do these issues matters?
  3. General programs: Provide a general overview of programs, initiatives, services, etc.
  4. Specific program:  Explain one program (include at least three specific examples)
  5. Impact:  Provide data on how your program affects people's lives and/or society at large.  May include statistics on how progress is measured, membership numbers, laws passed, court cases, etc.  
  6. Cite your research sources in MLA format at the bottom of your infographic.  Use NoodleTools to ensure your citations are correct.

Create Your Canva Education Account

Sharing Your Infographic with Your Teacher

Create Your Infographic Using Canva

Social Justice Topics