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Westerly High School Library: Databases and Online Resources

Wonder/Connect, Question/Focus, Investigate/Learn, Prepare/Analyze/Synthesize, Express/Create/Communicate, Reflect/Assess

WHS Library Catalog

Destiny Discover Book Catalog - Montrose High School

You should also be accessing Print sources - you will be expected to know how to use these in College/University as well. The WHS library has many sources that have been purchased specifically for senior research topics. 

Note: To be able to open an e-book from the WHS catalog (Destiny), you must either download the Destiny Quest App (See bottom box)  or sign in to Destiny (your username will be  wps(plus your cafeteria number - no space) Example - wps12345. Your password will be your birth date dd/mm/year. Example - May 12, 2002=12/5/2001 Note: if your month is a single digit, you do not have to to use a zero in front of it.

WHS Subscription Databases

Bloom's Literature

Prepare for Distance Learning with Newsela | Arizona Science Center

Primary Sources

Other Research Sources from RI State

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Search Westerly and other RI libraries.

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Username: rilink   Password: stars

E-Books for research

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Spanish Language