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Cranston High School West Library: Lucas - Poe

Poe Research Assignment


After reading and discussing Edgar Allan Poe’s biographical information, The Raven, The Fall of the House of Usher (Honors), Poe’s Providence (article) and The Cask of Amontillado we formed an assertion.  Ultimately we created a preliminary thesis statement.  Now we must prove our thesis!

We are going to prove that Edgar Allan Poe’s writing is a direct reflection of his life experience.  We have decided to focus on three specific areas: Death, Substance abuse and Revenge.

To accomplish this task,  i.e.  prove our thesis, we will need to do considerable research. 

Purdue OWL


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Use this site when you cannot find the information you need in the West MLA guide above or if you'd like to view a sample MLA paper.

Citation Help for Primary Sources

Follow these directions to add the three primary sources to your EasyBib bibliography.

The Raven: Click "book" and paste in this ISBN # - 0134340590

Hop Frog: Paste this in for a website search -

The Cask of Amontillado: Click on "all 59 options" and then "write/paste citation" and paste in the following - Poe, Edgar Allan. The Cask of Amontillado. Ibiblio,

Youtube Video - MLA format with Google Docs

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