Do Standardized Tests Accurately Measure Your Intelligence?
Using information and evidence from this unit and outside resources develop a well thought out argumentative essay identifying if you think standardized tests accurately measure intelligence. Within this argumentative essay you need to provide and explain one resource from our unit.
Choose one of these works:
“Georgia O’Keefe”
“The Most Dangerous Game”
“The Origin of Intelligence”
~ You must also provide an outside resource that you got from researching on the Cranston West High School database that we will be going over.
~ You must also connect and explain about your own personal experiences when it comes to standardized tests.
~ Make sure you also provide a counter argument that goes against what you are trying to prove as a way to further how your argument is correct.
6 paragraph Essay (MLA format - Times Roman, 12 pt, Double Spaced):
Directions for creating a Works Cited page in MyBib
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